Choose from landscape, documentary and street experiences

My Morocco academy workshops are designed for the creatively curious who want to develop themselves in visually exciting locations. 

September | Nomads and Storytelling, High Atlas, Morocco

April & October | Grand Tour of Morocco


Each workshop runs for about 6 – 8 hours a day and includes:  fieldwork, image processing and participant image reviews.  We use our accommodation base for processing, evaluation and group discussions. 

Summer School aside, they are tailored for photographers who already possess a basic understanding of their equipment.  No worries if you’re not there yet, you can learn with our free camera course.  If you are looking for location-based photo tours independent of classroom time, learning and artistic development, I operate these with a Moroccan colleague at Images in the Sun.  Just get in touch.

Class sizes are limited to 4, thereby maximising contact and development time.  The photography workshops run throughout the year timed for the right climatic conditions.  In reality Morocco is great all year round.  It’s warm in the south during winter and comfortable on the coast during summer.  Spain is ideal in the late spring and autumn.

Over the years many participants have used a workshop as a springboard to elevate their personal work for competitions, an RPS distinction or to sell a book.  Dotted around the site, you’ll find their appreciative comments.  To receive the latest news on workshop dates and availability please sign up for the newsletter.

September | Nomads and Storytelling, High Atlas, Morocco

April & October | Grand Tour of Morocco


Each workshop runs for about 6 – 8 hours a day and includes:  fieldwork, image processing and participant image reviews.  We use our accommodation base for processing, evaluation and group discussions. 

They are tailored for photographers who already possess a basic understanding of their equipment.  No worries if you’re not there yet, you can learn with our free camera course.  If you are simply looking for location-based photo tours independent of tutor input, I offer these with a Moroccan colleague at Images in the Sun.  Just get in touch.

Class sizes are limited to 4, thereby maximising contact and development time.  The photography workshops run throughout the year timed for the right climatic conditions.  In reality, Morocco is great all year round.  It’s warm in the south during winter and comfortable on the coast during summer.  Spain is ideal in the late spring and autumn.

Over the years many participants have used a workshop as a springboard to elevate their personal work for competitions, an RPS distinction or to sell a book.  Dotted around the site, you’ll find their appreciative comments.  To receive the latest news on workshop dates and availability please sign up for the newsletter.

Morocco Photo Tour | The Complete Package


Creative Photography | Discovery & Exploration


Adventure Photography in the Atlas Mountains


Fine Art Photography Workshops | Dunes


Street Photography | Morocco’s Imperial Cities


Landscape Photography Tours | Spain


Academy common goals:

Each programme has been carefully thought through to create the best environments for you to develop.  That primarily means selecting the most interesting locations and people for your to photograph.  I’ll take account of individual needs each day and adjust the schedule to suit the group as a whole.  Sometimes that may mean more review and processing time or a long time spent in one location.

Photographing in Morocco and Spain will appease your senses.  Spices and amber scents, as well as colour and light, will invigorate, the key being to shoot through them.  Spain’s wilder climes offer plenty of scenic spectacle with rugged coastlines and deep forests, whilst Morocco’s best dunes provide 360-degree head turns.

Experiencing and learning as a group is one of the benefits of taking a workshop.  Reviewing each other’s work day by day is really a masterclass in subjective observation.  We can each learn from the individual interpretation and the collective vision for each location inspires better photography the next day.

I lead the workshops supporting the development of your photography.  My natural orientation is to find what’s good in your images and build on that.  Where there’s outstanding work, I flag it, sometimes it may necessitate pushing you a bit harder, but I’ll only do so if I think you can handle it.  More often I’m a good judge on this score.

Above all, it’s fun. Being fully engaged in the process of taking pictures, seeing progress and acquiring images for a gallery or set, are all fabulous. It beats yoga! Each day of photography is rounded off with a group evening meal.



Darren’s tuition was good, pointing out our strengths, lots of technical advice and guidelines for improving composition and execution. Everyone in our group improved through the week.



Darren’s teaching style is efficient and effective, and Essaouira is a lovely base for the week. 

Each one of the photography workshops is run for the benefit of you the participant.  As a rule, I don’t appear with my own camera and don’t use the photography workshops to make my own personal work.  I prefer to watch and see how you react to locations, offering advice where needed.  I may notice a patch of light under a tent roof that will affect an image, or how you may not have seen something in the field.  More typically I look out for opportunities and offer perspectives on what may be good to photograph.  There is no definitive must do.  I’ll keep you reminded of the core things to look for; light, light and more light. 

Each of the photography workshops has its own particular vibe and offers a different way of approaching photography as well as producing varied imagery.  Through the individual page links, you can get more of a feel for the locations.

Each one of the photography workshops is run for the benefit of you the participant.  As a rule, I don’t appear with my own camera and don’t use the photography workshops to make my own personal work.  I prefer to watch and see how you react to locations, offering advice where needed.  I may notice a patch of light under a tent roof that will affect an image, or how you may not have seen something in the field.  More typically I look out for opportunities and offer perspectives on what may be good to photograph.  There is no definitive must do.  I’ll keep you reminded of the core things to look for; light, light and more light. 

Each of the photography workshops has its own particular vibe and offers a different way of approaching photography as well as producing varied imagery.  Through the individual page links, you can get more of a feel for the locations.