Three kinds of photography retreats offering a different focus

Each photographer should have some clear aims and objectives assigned beforehand, which will enable instructors to reference these during the retreat.  These photography retreats are designed to give you the opportunity to step outside yourself, either immerse yourself in a specific photographic location for building a project and exploring your own artistic interpretation, or indeed through understanding your own skillset in relation to desirable leadership traits.

Whilst there will be some coverage of photography’s technical aspects, particular attention will be paid to the creative distance travelled for participants during the retreat. By clarifying individual strengths and weakness beforehand we can map out some goals and track these. Each attendee will have PPD (personal development plan), which will act as a good reference point for this. 

Two instructors will be available to facilitate individual mentoring, photo reviews and evaluation.  This works especially well during the processing, sequencing and editing phases when there is a higher demand for feedback.  The variety of feedback options can also be beneficial.  For the leadership retreat, myself and a leadership mentor will work together in delivering the core programme.

For the leadership retreats, the first location will be Essaouira, Morocco.  This resort offers an array of photographic backdrops to facilitate the tasks planned across the 4 days.  With boutique countryside accommodation and excellent dining, it’s an all round ideal base for reconnecting and self development.  ‘Immersion photography’ and ‘themed photography trips’ will vary their destination each year, plotting less well trodden locations.

The themed photography trips offer a fun and creative way of exploring historic locations, whilst our immersion workshops indulge you to develop your documentary side with an emphasis on reportage scenes, portraits and man-made landscapes.  Not quite a photo boot camp, but the shared experience will be foremost in your minds after both of these retreats.  There will be the opportunity to maintain connections through the forum’s closed retreats group page.

The themed photography trips offer a fun and creative way of exploring historic locations, whilst our immersion workshops indulge you to develop your documentary side with an emphasis on reportage scenes, portraits and man-made landscapes.  Not quite a photo boot camp, but the shared experience will be foremost in your minds after both of these retreats.  There will be the opportunity to maintain connections through the forum’s closed retreats group page.

Whilst there will be some coverage of photography’s technical aspects, particular attention will be paid to the creative distance travelled for participants during the retreat.  By clarifying individual strengths and weakness beforehand we can map out some goals and track these. Each attendee will have PPD (personal development plan), which will act as a good reference point for this. 

Each photographer should have some clear aims and objectives assigned beforehand, which will enable instructors to reference these during the retreat.  These photography retreats are designed to give you the opportunity to step outside yourself, either immerse yourself in a specific photographic location for building a project and exploring your own artistic interpretation, or indeed through understanding your own skillset in relation to desirable leadership traits.

Two instructors will be available to facilitate individual mentoring, photo reviews and evaluation.  This works especially well during the processing, sequencing and editing phases when there is a higher demand for feedback.  The variety of feedback options can also be beneficial.  For the leadership retreat, myself and a leadership mentor will work together in delivering the core programme.

For the leadership retreats, the first location will be Essaouira, Morocco.  This resort offers an array of photographic backdrops to facilitate the tasks planned across the 4 days.  With boutique countryside accommodation and excellent dining, it’s an all round ideal base for reconnecting and self development.  ‘Immersion photography’ and ‘themed photography trips’ will vary their destination each year, plotting less well trodden locations.

Themed Photography Trips | Be inventive


Corporate Retreats | Leadership


Immersion Workshops | Assignment