Photography Feedback and Individual Time

Developing your themes

You may have two or three emerging themes which you would like to develop further.  Part of photography feedback is about recognising the strengths of your best images and setting the most fruitful direction to realise your theme.  Through assimilation of ideas, it’s about melding the kind of images you would hope to get with what you will enjoy spending time doing and drawing out what you are most passionate about.  You may not yet have discovered that.  We’ll discuss several options and pathways giving you a choice to consider. The module naturally includes a one-to-one online meet-up.

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London's streets offer many photography themes

Portfolio feedback and editing suggestions

This module is for photographers who have arrived at what they feel is a completed series or project or have a collection of themes they would like feedback on.  It’s natural that a few good images are mixed in with many lesser ones and it takes an objective voice to make suggestions here.  The cohesiveness of the series and sequencing will be covered.  Also, how does it sit in relation to other similar work, and what efforts can you make to further add to the series that make it truly distinctive. You may also want to use this module as a stepping stone to developing new pictures.  Through our one-to-one photography feedback discussion, you will see new directions and possibilities opening up.

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dune landscapes are ideally set up portfolio reviews

Mentoring Programme - Developing your future direction

This is for photographers who have attained a level of industry acceptance.  You may have completed your FRPS, had a project or a book published or indeed sold work.  Hopefully, you’ll want to move on to something new that doesn’t just repeat the successful formula.  Part of my skill set is finding creative footholds for photographers that they can use to get themselves moving again.  You may want to kick several ideas around and gradually whittle them down.  I see many professional photographers showing work that is below par.  Having a second opinion and asking the questions that never occurred to you, is invaluable.  Writers use a professional editor in finalising their book, yet photographers tend to shy away from this.

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Intuitive seeing and reflective practice - FREE

This module is about using photography to document observations during your daily life. It’s not dependent on composition or thinking about how good the photo is, but rather your connection to the subject, event or scene.  At the soft edge of self-development, you can use the planned exercises to find out more about what your unconscious mind is drawn to.  It’s especially useful to professionals working in demanding sectors and interacting with a variety of different clients who would like some self-reflection. The module links to a closed Facebook group and includes weekly exercises.

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Mindfulness Courses develop awareness for seeing light and shadows